Saturday, April 7, 2007

meet the team

Air Morton, of San Diego, CA (the face says it all):
You'll be seeing a lot of this guy around the San Diego cycling scene, though most of the time his tires ought to be glued to either the track or the road. Look for Mikey on the San Juan trail, at the crit series, the Tuesday night races, or cranking out repeats up the Torrey Pines Bump as a bed-time wind-down. Expect big things.

Dr. Kev, or RUFDAWG (-y-dawwwwawwawwawwg) of Denver, Co, tucked tight and bombing:
They don't just call him "Dr." for the degree, folks. Who needs steep ups when you can tuck like a GS-er down Porcupine with a cracked rib? Sorry ladies, he's taken.

Steve ... just Steve, from perpetual student universe in San Diego, covering brakes and dropping his front wheel, just to show that he can get away with it:

As he loafs towards his degree in Physical Oceanology, you'll find Steve in the slipstream of Mike, just before the bell-lap. Then look for him at the finish line. He'll be the guy in first. BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP ... shit. time to get up already?

And from Irvine/Boston/San Diego/Denver/Sydney, meet Dr. Huck, a.k.a. the Grandmaster Pat, a.k.a. M.I.P. ...
Pat was under threat of never getting the respect he deserved with his PhD, until he found his groove at Moab'07. It would do one well to learn from the professor. "Hey Mike, can you buy me some beer?"

Most of the crew, at Bartlett wash ...

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